Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Follow the Pins

Posted by Krista at 10:49 AM

Have you heard of Pinterest? It's a social networking site where people share photos of their favorite events, interests and hobbies. I think just about everyone has at least heard of it but maybe you're not using it yet; you just might be inspired to try it after you read this post.

I just created a Pinterest page for Home Organization 365! How exciting is that?!

If you are looking for an excuse to join up - now you've got one! Not that I'm promoting another time waster...well, okay maybe I am promoting it, but really it can be useful! A couple of the ways that I use Pinterest are:
  1. I use it instead of bookmarks. I set it up basically the same way I would bookmarks- instead of folders I name my boards accordingly. This works really well for me for two reasons: One - I have a visual reminder of what it is. There is nothing worse than looking for something you know you bookmarked and having to go through 50 bookmarks to find it. Two - they will always be there. My computer can die and I will always have my pins. 

  2. I am using it as an idea board in my organizational quest. I have created boards for each room in my home and when I see a decorating or organizing idea I put the pin on that board. Then as I organize and clean a room, I can go look at the board and see what I can incorporate from my "idea board".
There are many more ways you can use Pinterest (organizing recipes and crafts) too. If you're inspired to give Pinterest a try and you need an account, you can just go to this page; and log in via Facebook, Twitter, or with an email address.

If you're already a Pinterest user, I'd love it if you would follow me! You can click the link at the top of this post or use the follow me button on the right hand sidebar.

I only have a few people I am following and I would love to be able to follow you and see your ideas for cleaning and organizing too! Hope to see you there! 


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