Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year, Now Clean ALL the Things!

Posted by Krista at 4:01 PM
Wow, I can't believe it's been 2 years since I have last posted here. I wish I could say that during those two years I have conquered my home organization and I have since been sitting pool side drinking cocktails. Yeah, that's not what happened. I've been working on organizing and cleaning...rinse and repeat. Of course I've been doing other things too; like living life and enjoying my family and friends too. And reading...lots of reading.

 Here it is 2013. A brand new year full of endless possibility.

What better time to 
(Click picture for source)
Just before (or maybe it was after) New Years, I saw a post on Facebook from OrganizedHome.com about their 2013 Cleaning Grand Plan Challenge. It's a 14 week plan (one week of organizing, 12 weeks of cleaning and a week at the end to finish up) to get the house cleaned up and organized for Spring. I saw the first week involved making lists. Well, that was enough to perk up my interest. I'm an avid list maker (it's the follow-through that is questionable).

I set to work yesterday making my lists for the challenge. It took awhile, but I am happy to report they are done and ready for printing. I'm going to share them with you. They are all in Word format, so after you download the list, you should be able to edit the list to work for you. I have no idea what your home looks like, how many rooms you have, etc. Just take what works for you, move things around, change the weeks around - basically whatever you want to do.  There is nothing fancy to these lists. I didn't want to get caught up in making them all pretty.

Most of all, I want you to know this one thing - If something on the list doesn't get done, it's okay! Repeat that to yourself as you open each list. Repeat it to yourself as you set to work on each list. Repeat that to yourself when it's time to move on to the next week. Just do what you can, as much you want to do, and the rest will still be there later.

Without further delay here are all of the lists I have created:
I hope that these lists will be helpful for you to either use as they are or to create your own version. The only thing I ask is if you download any or all of the lists, would you please leave a comment letting me know you too are going to "Clean ALL the Things" and if you like the lists.  Thanks!


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