Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Set-up For a Great Week

Posted by Krista at 6:34 PM

How are you doing? Are you finalizing your plans for the upcoming week? Even if you are not planning on joining in Cleaning ALL the Things, Sunday is a great day to get things set up for a stellar week.

I spent yesterday getting the house tidied up, mopping floors, catching up the laundry. Today I didn't do too much. Ran a few errands. I decided this morning that I would like to make a big pot of veggie chili for my lunches this week. I tend to eat more mindfully if I have my breakfast and lunches planned/made ahead of time. Tonight when I am cleaning up supper I will make a pot of Bob's Red Mills Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal. I like to divide it into 4 or 5 half-pint mason jars. It makes for a quick, healthy breakfast.

This evening I will also spend some time looking over my calendar (I use Cozi)  to remind myself of any important dates this week. I also have a few appointments that I need to make, and I will put those on the calendar (so that I don't forget to make them again this week).

My big plan for this week is to start actually working on crossing things off on my "Clean ALL the Things" lists. My idea is to work on it a bit each day. In order for this to happen there are certain things I would like to try to accomplish each day. I'm going to try to be very disciplined and start my daily chores (making beds, empty dishwasher, etc) as soon as I get the big kids up for school. That way I will have my dailies done before taking my youngest to his morning activities. The other thing I would like to do is consistently do my evening clean up. Making sure the kitchen is clean after supper, getting the kids to pick up their stuff, folding and putting away the laundry. Hopefully by doing that and waking up to a mostly cleaned up house, I can get through dailies quickly. That will leave my afternoons free to work on my Cleaning ALL the Things, and anything else that pops up.

One last thing I wanted to share with you today. Remember the other day in my post I told you about my friend K, who had the brilliant 13 week plan idea? She emailed me her lists and she said that I could share them with you.

Her lists are an edited version of my lists, so again there is nothing fancy about the lists but they are functional! She added some things on her lists that I do not have - she has a basement, wine cellar, and a couple other rooms; along with some jobs that I didn't think of putting on mine. I'm sure there will be some great ideas for you to add to your lists. Here are the lists from my very smart friend. I hope that you'll find them helpful. 

What are some things that you try to do in order to set yourself up for a great week?


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